2 thoughts on “Deepening

  1. Beautiful colors, flowing from medium sized shapes of gentle light pastels of blue, pink, green, aqua, lavender and very light brown, each presenting variations on their shade. The shapes also tell stories of who they are and what they may represent to us. At top left, I see a blue box, pink pointing finger, a brown fox head, a lavender ribbon, a brown swimming otter, a yellow baby snake, a rust colored twisted carrot, a purple crocodile, and in the next row top left is a blue Casper the Friendly Ghost, etc, etc. Lots and lots of shapes to explore and enjoy just like a puzzle.

    As the painting progresses into smaller shapes, the colors grow richer, with ever-changing shades within and even the use of different colors to hi-light and embellish the shapes as they become eye pleasing and mind soothing tools.

    To me the shapes each represent times and events in my lifetime. As with life, I cannot go back and change things, but can learn, develop and change my life experiences into something richer, more complex and even more beautiful. Even the curve of the bottom right ending of the shapes indicates the possibility that kinder, softer, and more enjoyable experiences in the future are indeed possible.

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