This painting makes me think of my family and the possibilities of reuniting. Very emotional for me. Amazing how artwork captures emotions. I like the color combinations. I also like the way the colors are moving vertically across the page, creating a background and a foreground. To me, the dark blues represent repressed emotions, the medium blue release, and the bright blue freedom. The bright green represents the gift of bonding and love that the family members offer to one another.
…except someone is left out and looks perplexed…..I love the congenial feeling
of being at home, and it is in strong contrast to being left out and perplexed–so alone!
This painting makes me think of my family and the possibilities of reuniting. Very emotional for me. Amazing how artwork captures emotions. I like the color combinations. I also like the way the colors are moving vertically across the page, creating a background and a foreground. To me, the dark blues represent repressed emotions, the medium blue release, and the bright blue freedom. The bright green represents the gift of bonding and love that the family members offer to one another.
…except someone is left out and looks perplexed…..I love the congenial feeling
of being at home, and it is in strong contrast to being left out and perplexed–so alone!